* Drive to Queen Mary.
* Check in with the festival organizers.
* Find authors table (second level, awesomely renamed "Thebes Level" for the festival).
* Find my friend and tablemate, Shauna Roberts.
* Set up the authors table.
* Move authors table to a spot with a view of the stage (and the terrific dancing!)
* Set up the authors table again
* Find the Boiler Room, where my morning lecture is taking place.
* Wait for eyes to adjust to the room's darkness, search in vain for additional lighting, and -- finding none -- seriously consider changing focus of talk from the belly dancers who performed at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair to belly dance ghost stories or something more suited to a scary dark place like the Queen Mary's Boiler Room.
* Sell first book of the night -- of the festival! -- to the lovely and talented and vivacious and darling and -- well, you get the idea -- Ansuya. This Bellydance Superstar has always been a superstar in my book, and I finally had the opportunity to tell her how inspiring I found her Santa Monica classes to be waaayyay back when BDSS was just a glint in Miles Copeland's eye. (Yes, this was a big fangirl moment for me, hence, the goofy grin in the picture...)
* Meet Liliana, a Facebook friend I have never had the pleasure of meeting in person before, who stopped and chatted and let me sign a book for her.
* Meet and sign books for several sweet and delightful ladies who stopped to chat and share our chocolate.
* Drive home, exhausted but happy, to rest up and be ready to head back in the morning.
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